How to find us
Enter "Hotel Fischerhaus" in Düsseldorf in your GPS.
We are also easy to find even without a GPS:
From the left side of the Rhine
A 57 to Kaarster Kreuz intersection
take the A 52 in direction of Düsseldorf
1 km after the motorway ends, fork left towards Seestern/Lörick/Messe
after 500 metres take Seestern/Lörick exit and then turn left towards Lörick/Seestern (Lütticherstrasse)
continue 1.7 km, then turn right at the lights into Hubert-Hermes-Strasse
take the second right (Bonifatiusstrasse); Hotel Fischerhaus and Restaurant Hummer-Stübchen are on the left after 100 m; the car park is opposite
From the right side of the Rhine
A3 to Ratingen-Nord intersection
A44 direction Ratingen/Düsseldorf to Düsseldorf-Nord/Kaiserswerth junction
take Düsseldorf-Stockum exit and turn left onto the B8 towards Zentrum Danziger Strasse
After 2.5 km head turn onto Uerdinger Strasse in the direction of Neuss and the A52 (Mönchengladbach/Krefeld) and then immediately left onto the Theodor Heuss bridge
turn right after the bridge onto Lütticher Strasse heading towards Lörick
continue 1.7 km, then turn right at the lights into Hubert-Hermes-Strasse
take the second right (Bonifatiusstrasse); Hotel Fischerhaus and Restaurant NÖTHEL's are on the left after 100 m; the car park is opposite.